Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What are the most important vegetables to eat everyday?

There are lots of vegetables out in the market and all of them are very healthy.  However, my personal trainer, and other friends that are very committed to a healthy lifestyle and fitness say that the Green Veggies are the most important ones for a daily balanced diet.

The green vegetables that I like most in my special lifestyle diet include: Collards, Chard, Spinach, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and many more, but I like these the most in my salads or cooked.  By eating these kinds of vegetables everyday, you will feel a great deal of energy in your body.  I have been doing my research and experimenting on my own health for quite a few years since my mother passed away in 2007 from diabetes.

I was so afraid of getting that kind of disease because it does run in my family.  I realized in April 2010 that I needed to learn more about better health and foods to correct my diet.  So I joined Penni Shelton's website:   It helped to get me started on my road to feeling better about my health and diet.

There is a lot of information out there to learn about helping your illnesses and having patients to cure yourself naturally before running to a doctor.  I can only tell you that learning about vegetarian foods have really helped me with my diet, fitness, energy and growth in pure health.  I am totally able to control my symptoms of IBS and other issues.

What are your favorite dark green veggies?  Learn to add more of them to your salads throughout your daily lifestyle.  Let me know how you feel!  Send me your feedback on your improvements of your health!

Monday, November 3, 2014

I love being a Wellness Coach!

Ever since I searched for diets to help me lose weight and worried about my health for a few years after my mother passed away from diabetes in 2007, the law of attraction brought me a link to better a better lifestyle.  I was about 152 lbs and over weight for my height as well as health.  I also did not feel too well because of having IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).  It was painful!

One day while I was surfing the web and shopping around, my facebook page flashed me a link to Raw Food Rehab.  I decided to check it out to see what kind of diet this was in April 2010.  I saw a photo of Raw veggies in salads as well as green smoothies.  I thought to myself that I really did not think I could actually live on "Rabbit Food", but I started to watch the videos and read the blogs on   I found a new friendly "home" for safe learning to care for one self in many different ways.

I started learning about drinking Green Smoothies made of spinach and fruit.  I also began to learn about becoming alkaline with fresh squeezed lemonade.  I began to look around for a juicer and found myself engaging in lots of interesting conversations with people.  Gradually, my stomach started to feel better and I was also noticing some changes in my moods for the better.

After about one month, I decided to check my scale just to see if anything change in my weight loss.  I noticed that I lost 5 pounds just from lowering my intake of food and constantly drinking green smoothies.  I was slowly making my transformation into becoming a Raw vegetarian.  I drink green smoothies all the time.

I realized my body felt better, and I was feeling a lot healthier too.  I found out ways to lower my intake of delicious chocolate by making raw apple pie, which is healthier and contains less calories.

I ended up loosing 30 pounds by 2012.  This is one of my transformations for a healthier lifestyle.

Today, I continue living an 80% vegetarian lifestyle and happily live in California where health is WEALTH!

Now I can help others to heal themselves as well as lose weight etc.