Monday, November 3, 2014

I love being a Wellness Coach!

Ever since I searched for diets to help me lose weight and worried about my health for a few years after my mother passed away from diabetes in 2007, the law of attraction brought me a link to better a better lifestyle.  I was about 152 lbs and over weight for my height as well as health.  I also did not feel too well because of having IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).  It was painful!

One day while I was surfing the web and shopping around, my facebook page flashed me a link to Raw Food Rehab.  I decided to check it out to see what kind of diet this was in April 2010.  I saw a photo of Raw veggies in salads as well as green smoothies.  I thought to myself that I really did not think I could actually live on "Rabbit Food", but I started to watch the videos and read the blogs on   I found a new friendly "home" for safe learning to care for one self in many different ways.

I started learning about drinking Green Smoothies made of spinach and fruit.  I also began to learn about becoming alkaline with fresh squeezed lemonade.  I began to look around for a juicer and found myself engaging in lots of interesting conversations with people.  Gradually, my stomach started to feel better and I was also noticing some changes in my moods for the better.

After about one month, I decided to check my scale just to see if anything change in my weight loss.  I noticed that I lost 5 pounds just from lowering my intake of food and constantly drinking green smoothies.  I was slowly making my transformation into becoming a Raw vegetarian.  I drink green smoothies all the time.

I realized my body felt better, and I was feeling a lot healthier too.  I found out ways to lower my intake of delicious chocolate by making raw apple pie, which is healthier and contains less calories.

I ended up loosing 30 pounds by 2012.  This is one of my transformations for a healthier lifestyle.

Today, I continue living an 80% vegetarian lifestyle and happily live in California where health is WEALTH!

Now I can help others to heal themselves as well as lose weight etc.

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